Lightyear Alliance has everything I've been looking for in a company, and let me tell you why.
In February of 2004 I got involved in a telecom company that shall remain nameless. I was so excited about the possibilities when I joined the company, but was quite naive when it came to
network marketing. In fact, I didn't know a darn thing about it.
As time moved on and I began to learn more about network marketing, I realized that the company I was involved with wasn't everything they said it was. They also left out a few details like a huge startup fee that you must pay every year, and that you make little to NO money unless you are a stellar recruiter. The
residual income payout was also pathetically low at a measly 0.25% on levels 1-5. How anyone could build a substantial income with that, I don't know. They promised 7% on the 7th level, but most people I know in the company (including myself) never even made it to that level. I couldn't, with good conscience, get people involved in a business opportunity where I KNEW they wouldn't make anything unless they recruited others, so I left the company to look for something else.
I looked through hundreds of other companies, but had a tough time finding anything that really stuck out to me as something great. I eventually found a health company called
Eniva and have been doing well at that company for the past year.
Recently, a friend of mine messaged me on AOL Instant Messenger with a PDF file, and said "What do you think of this comp plan?" It was for a
telecom company, and the comp plan was amazing. It was like everything that was wrong with the comp plan of my last company had been fixed. Not only did they pay well for sponsoring new team members into your business, but they also paid well for acquiring customers! (something my last company didn't do... period). They also pay out great residual percentages all the way down. This was a
comp plan that people could do well with, whether they were great at getting customers or great at getting business-builders, or even good at both.
The company with the great comp plan I'm talking about is obviously Lightyear Alliance. I know you may be thinking "If you're doing well with one company, why
join another?" Well, I just couldn't pass this up. I also think it never hurts to have a second stream of income, even if it's from another network marketing company (as long as they are in two different industries).
The great thing about telecom as compared to other industries is that it's a necessary service that people are already using. So I just help people
save money on bills they are already paying, and then I earn residual income (as well as bonuses) for doing that. Then I build a team of people who do the same and I earn income from that too (both residual and bonuses). The reason I didn't get back into telecom before this is because I couldn't find a company with the right comp plan.
Lightyear Alliance has the right comp plan!
Lightyear Alliance is also great because they are well-established, but new at the same time. They're actually a division of
Lightyear Network Solutions, which is a 13-year-old company. They decided to start Lightyear Alliance as a word-of-mouth marketing division 3 years ago, because direct sales is the way of the future. People are more likely to go with a recommendation from a friend than an advertisement on tv or in a magazine (costs less for the company too!). So this is like getting into a company in the beginning without the risk of company failure (most companies fail within their first 5 years of business... Lightyear has 13 years of experience).
So to sum this all up,
Lightyear Alliance is the perfect company because it deals with necessary services that people use and pay for every day, because the timing is perfect, and because they pay you well for BOTH customer acquisition and recruiting. You just can't beat it.
If you'd like more information, please check out my website at
www.ltyrmarketing.orgThanks for reading,
April Kolesar :)